Hamdija Mujezin


Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 13:00-16:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-13:00
DescriptionAssociation - Centre for Education and Raising Awareness of Energy Efficiency - Energis is a NGO, focused on facilitating the transition to an energy efficient future in Bosnia and Herzegovina through education, advocacy and tangible community projects. In furthering this mission, our aim is to: • Help Bosnia become a region leader in energy efficiency improvement • Promote the use of sustainable energy to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina • Provide a forum through which members can meet, share ideas, and develop joint initiatives, supported by up-to-date information and technical research • Initiating projects and policies that help us make this essential transition • Speak with a strong collective voice to municipal, provincial and federal governments and other agencies on issues concerning the development of clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency in BiH, and the reduction of Bosnia’s greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants • Provide a one-stop resource for information on BiH’s sustainable energy and energy efficiency industries and initiatives • Development of enabling legal environment and the organization and implementation of energy efficiency, sustainability, environmental protection and renewable energy programs and pilot projects. We are providing a wide range of technical assistance in the field of energy efficiency improvement projects with the primary goal to contribute to the sustainable development of the society of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Energis intends to continually develop its skills and resources related to implementation of policies and strategies designed to bring environmental protection problems under control. Individually and/or in collaboration with other organizations we create and implement projects in the area of energy efficiency improvements in small and medium enterprises and industry, buildings and public institutions. We are constantly and continuously working on awareness rising on energy efficiency of the general public.
Organization Type Consultant, Other,
CitySarajevo, Obala Kulina bana 4 Google map
Areas of Activities



      Engineering, Design and Consulting

        Women Entrepreneurship