Pavol Kasman

AMI spol.s.r.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 13:00-16:00
DescriptionAMI spol. s.r.o is one of the companies, which pursue a tradition of production of electrical lightings. It belongs to the group of key suppliers of lighting fixtures as well as lighting sources in Slovakia. Our product portfolio includes luminaires with fluorescent tubes as well as progressive LED modules from prestigious producers of modules and drivers. The lighting systems can be, based on customer requirements, fitted with lighting intesity management control, where the lighting system takes into account contribution of natural day light in given areas, which results in significant energy savings. AMI spol. s.r.o also has technological equipment for cutting and material processing such as sheet bending machine, mechanical press and cutting press. Anticorrosion and decorative surface finish treatment is achieved by powder coating technology.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities



      Metal and Machinery

        Construction and Construction Materials